EMS International Trading Co.,Ltd Importer and Distributor of Halal & Organic products from around the world

Posts in : Ingredients all-purpose flour

  • Indian Sweet Bread


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    Indian Sweet Bread

    Course desserts
    Cuisine Indian

    Prep Time 20 minutes
    Cook Time 20 minutes



    Course desserts
    Cuisine Indian

    Prep Time 20 minutes
    Cook Time 20 minutes



    1. In a large bowl, stir together flour, salt and water until a soft dough is formed. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead briefly. Divide dough into golf ball size pieces and cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap.

    2. Select a ball of dough and roll out until very thin but not torn. Sprinkle lightly and evenly with sugar. Fold up dough into a small square and roll out again until thin.

    3. Heat a lightly oiled griddle over medium heat. Place the rolled dough onto the pan and cook for 1/2 to 1 minute on each side until golden. Serve immediately. Repeat until all dough balls have been rolled and cooked.

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  • Indian Chapati Bread

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    Indian Chapati Bread
    Course desserts
    Cuisine Indian
    Prep Time 15 minutes
    Cook Time 15 minutes
    Course desserts
    Cuisine Indian
    Prep Time 15 minutes
    Cook Time 15 minutes
    1. In a large bowl, stir together the whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour and salt. Use a wooden spoon to stir in the olive oil and enough water to make a soft dough that is elastic but not sticky. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface until it is smooth. Divide into 10 parts, or less if you want bigger breads. Roll each piece into a ball. Let rest for a few minutes.
    2. Heat a skillet over medium heat until hot, and grease lightly. On a lightly floured surface, use a floured rolling pin to roll out the balls of dough until very thin like a tortilla. When the pan starts smoking, put a chapati on it. Cook until the underside has brown spots, about 30 seconds, then flip and cook on the other side. Continue with remaining dough.
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